Hollow Blade
The hollow veil in the center
of the turf leaves makes up not only for genuinely superb naturalistic look of
grass, but supports its quality to keep temperature of a lawn stable and cool
in hot climates. Or holes) bordered by guard cells that open and
close the pore, in plants, leaf surfaces are
dotted with stomata (openings. Transpiration serves to evaporatively cool grass as the
escaping water vapor carries away heat energy. Transpiration which cools plants occurs through the stomatal
apertures. Unequaled Hollow blade design by
GST is something you will never find elsewhere. Hollow
blade technology mimics the same process which helps to keep moisture inside
stems longer and therefore to belittle the temperature of a lawn.

Engineered Blades Technology
We produce monofilament turf fibers in dozens of different shapes. Each of our blade shapes serves a different purpose and creates a different effect for your lawn. Contact us to explore which option is best for you.